The need to strengthen the capabilities of the Cybercrime Sub-Directorate regarding the fight against and prevention of crimes and/or anti-social behaviors committed via the internet or other means of electronic communication arises from the fact that cybercrime is not only increasing but also constantly taking different forms, from the sexual exploitation of minors and child pornography, to extortion, financial fraud and data extortion or theft, and others.
Within the framework of Specific Objective S03 - Prevention and fight against crime, the Cyprus Police will implement actions within the years 2023 - 2025, which will contribute to the achievement of the following objectives, in accordance with the Internal Security Fund Program 2021-2027:
The main objective of the project is to strengthen the operational capabilities of the Cybercrime Sub-Directorate for the effective prevention and suppression of crimes and/or anti-social behaviors committed via the internet or other means of electronic communication, increase information and enhance public awareness of cross-border crimes and mainly electronic crime.
Through the implementation of these actions, the degree of preparedness and the level of ability of members of the Police to respond and effectively deal with cross-border and electronic crime will be improved, as well as the electronic reporting of crimes committed via the internet and involving fraud/counterfeiting with non-cash payment methods will be improved.
Additionally, with the use of forensic tools for decrypting electronic data, the response and successful extraction of data in serious crimes is maintained at high levels, as well as the use of these forensic tools contributes to the smooth and lawful operation of the laboratory, since the decryption of such devices is a necessary, daily and absolutely necessary task carried out by the members of the Digital Forensics Examinations Laboratory.
Finally, the citizens of the Republic of Cyprus will benefit in terms of combating and detecting electronic crime. With the proper investigation and detection of crimes and public awareness actions, the image of the Police towards the public can also be improved.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Internal Security Fund (ISF) with co-financing from the European Union and the Republic of Cyprus.